Saturday, 14 April 2018

Love of Books and Sharon Pearson

Love of Books and Sharon Pearson 

Fences Gates and Posts

Ian Lewis - Director Love of Books Australia-wide
Love of Books supports Authors Australia -wide book publishing with total success.

Author: Sharon Pearson
Format: Hardcover
Retail Price: $40.00
Subject: Fences, Gates & Posts of Rural Australia
BISAC Categories: Rural studies, Students of Australian History, Tourism, Travel, Rural Landowners, Graziers, Fencing Industry, Australian Rural History
ISBN: 978-0-648-03345-5.     Publication date: 07/2017
Dimensions: A4 Landscape.  Pages: 152

About This Book
My interest in fences was sparked when I was travelling in a road train with my husband who explained that the end of one property and beginning of another could be recognised by a different fencing style. Fascination with gates was partly inspired when I noticed there were references to gates written in the old testament of the Bible (which was written in another country to Australia).  As I was travelling, I saw the aesthetic appeal of some of the fences, gates and posts. I also noticed how varied they were.  From this began over a decade of travelling and collecting photos in the hope of preserving some history and highlighting the importance of fences in rural (and for that matter) urban life.

Order today by contacting Sharon at

Key selling points
·        Well-illustrated with a large collection of colorful photos.
·        Well documented.
·        As a coffee table book it makes a good conversation piece.
·        Navigation through the book is easy.
·        Australian History – learning.
·        Great gift idea

Book Reviews
[What I liked most about this book is that not only does it contain information on fences, gates and posts, but there are many pictures of the Australian landscape incorporated within the images.  The book is also a useful documentary. This would assist students and immigrants likewise obtain an essential understanding of this country. It was a pleasure working with Sharon launching this historically valuable, informative and well-illustrated book.   Ian Lewis: Director Love of Books Australia-wide]

[Very thorough and detailed historical work. Offers one the opportunity to learn about even little known facts about the formation of the Australian landscape and its history, as well as progression towards its modernization.
Marie Folkes: Retired librarian at The Courier Mail Queensland]

About the Author
One of four sisters who spent their childhood on a dairy and cattle farm at Kidaman Creek (Sunshine Coast hinterland Qld), she draws on her wealth of experiences such as fencing, timber falling and cattle handling to add authenticity to the pages and brings them to life as only a rural person can.

Sharon also draws on a variety of rural teaching experiences (governess on remote cattle stations) and travelling in ‘off the beaten track’ places to add colour to the imagery in the book.

Love of  Books Australia-wide assisted Sharon Pearson on her publishing journey.

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