Sunday, 1 April 2018

Love of Books and Brian Butler

After years of writing and research Brain Butler brings his new books 'The Biggest Lie and  Discover More About God'  to life.

It was a real pleasure working with gentleman Brian H. Butler to bring his NEW BOOKS ' THE BIGGEST LIE AND THE GREATEST TRUTH ' to life.

Brian used our easy step by step system to publish his books in a matter of weeks.

Now Published: VISIT: Ernest Workman For purchasing details.

Brian's Journey: I have had some unfortunate experiences of dealing with publishers both here in Australia as well as in the U.S.A. It is hard work when you have to deal with a different person every time in big organisations. 
I was despairing of finding one to entrust with the work of my new book, The Biggest Lie. It was quite by chance, (or not!) that I came across Love of Books.
 I was impressed when I first spoke to them because of their obvious sincerity in wanting to help authors get the job done for a reasonable price. I signed up with them, and I am glad that I did. It is so much easier when you can deal with the same contact person every time as I have with Love of Books. Building business relationships is still very important in my opinion. Brian H. Butler, Author.

The Biggest Lie

Most people have strong beliefs about many aspects of life; but do they question whether what they believe is true or not? This book will confront and challenge the cherished beliefs of billions.
Ever wonder what this life is all about? Is it a bit like a ‘maze’? You hope that what you believe in will take you where you want to get to; yet, no matter which path you choose, it often does not. So you have to look for another way.
Is evolution just a theory, or is it a fact? Does it really matter? Did everything really come from ‘nothing’ as some scientists now suggest?
About 94% of the world’s population believe in a life after death. But is there any proof of this? Two billion Christians believe that when you die you go to heaven. But how true is that belief?
There is a lot of deception in our world; no wonder people say, “You can’t trust anybody these days”. Your mobile or cell phone personal data is now visible to anyone who knows how to look. Dire natural disasters seem to occur daily. Is there any security in this life?
Are there any answers we can safely rely on any more?
This book suggests that there are, and how you can find them. When you do, and act on them, your life will change for the better.

Discover More About God

Many people have strong beliefs about God; but do they really study and investigate Who and What God really is? 
This book is about God.
Theology, Theo-God, Logos-Word, can only be valid when the Bible is studied carefully by each individual with the direct help of God’s Spirit.
Thousands of scholarly theologians have widely differing opinions about what the Bible teaches. How can that be? All religions are human notions about God. ‘Churchianity’ is in doctrinal chaos. The information in this book is not drawn from any religious ideas.
There is only one Source of the Truth, the preserved original texts of the Book God wrote by inspiring his disciples and prophets to write down each word. In our era, God is calling the “few” individually to come out of this ‘world’ and its organisations, and have a personal relationship with Him through the Power of His Spirit.
The author recognises that all translations of the Bible contain errors, and also material that is not to be found in the original manuscripts.
Scholars, experts in the languages the texts were written in, make it possible to ensure that the purity of the Word is maintained.
The author at 82 knows his human fallibility, and has relied on God to help make this volume as error free as possible. The reader will need to pray for an open mind and heart to benefit from the truths it contains. When you do, and act on it, life will change for the better.

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